Top 10 Best Google Search Tips That You Must Know

Google offers a plain and simple interface, but hides many powerful tips and tools under the hood. These tips will allow you to make better searches, do better research and search for useful content easily and conveniently than ever before. These tips for Google Search will help you search smarter and find what you’re looking for easily and conveniently than ever before.

Let’s take a look at the Google search tips one by one:

1. Search by Voice

Google allows you to make voice searches. If you’re browsing Google on its Chrome browser or using Google application on Android or iOS, then you can click on the Microphone button and directly speak to Google what you’re looking for, and it shows the results after receiving the input from you.

Google voice Search

2. Search by Image

Google can’t only search for words but also for images. You can now use a photo of your friend to search more of his/her photos. The simple trick is goto Google Image Search click the Camera button in the search bar of Google Images, and paste an image URL or upload a picture from your system to make an image search.

Google Image Seaech

3. Search for Terms in page’s URLs
inurl: and allinurl: lets you search for terms in the URLs of web pages. Google searches for terms in URLs along with keywords in the content to provide you better results. The same trick you can use to filter out search results and get the most useful results quickly. For example: inurl:google shows only the results having ‘Google’ in their URLs; and allinurl:google android app shows only the results having ‘Google’, ‘Android’ and ‘App’ in their URLs.

4. Make Private Searches

Google in spite of its vast features don’t seem fit for privacy enthusiasts because of the tracking concerns. An alternative Startpage (also known as lxquick)  allows you to make Google searches without worrying about its tracking or other privacy problems. It shows searches from the Google but don’t track your IP address or your location info or such.


5. Search by Keywords 

Searching is all about keywords – the better keywords you give to the search engine, the better results you receive back. Brainstorm what you’re really looking for and type in the keywords as such. For example: Google tips tricks is better than what are the tips and tricks for Google? because it allows Google to search for the right words without including the other avoidable words.


6. Search a Specific Phrase 

“ ” (double quotes) can be used to search for a specific phrase. Google lists only the results having the given phrase (between the double quotes) with same order of words as listed in the phrase. For example: “I’m lazy (note the inner double quotes is part of the search query) will ask Google to search only for the phrase ‘I’m lazy’ exactly as is, and not even list results having the phrase I am lazy’.

7Search within a Specific Website 

site: lets you search within a given website and not the whole Internet. It’s quite handy if you know the place (website) for your search and saves you from going through undesirable results. For example: android n will list results for the search term ‘android m’, but the search will list results only from the mentioned website ( and not from the other sites.

8. Search by Location 
City name or Postal code at the end of your search query allows you to make searches for a specific location. This overrules the default behavior of Google to provide results for the location calculated using your Internet connection’s IP address. For example: food joints in Mumbai or food joints 4000001” shows you food joints in Mumbai.

9. Find Specific Files 

filetype: lets you search for specific files on the web rather than content or websites. It comes handy when you’re searching for presentations or PDFs or drawings or other files whose extension is known. For example: filetype:pptx solar energy will search for presentations on the given topic of Solar Energy.

10. Search Newspaper on Google News Archives of more than 100 years

Google offers you the access to the digitized news content of over last several years through Google News Archives. It scanned and digitized the old printed newspapers in an attempt to bring the content from old newspapers easily accessible to the Internet users.

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